
Our vision

We put great value in setting an above industry standard of training, we thrive on the challenge not to be just any gym in town.

We aim to constantly improve great quality While providing an enjoyable environment for our clients and trainers.

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else… It’s about being better than you used to be”

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done”




Developing a habit can be hard. While the logical side of your mind knows you should stick to a workout regimen to see results, the emotional side convinces you that skipping one more day won’t hurt anything.If you feel this tug-of-war often, it may not be an issue of motivation or laziness at all. Luckily, even though it takes some effort, you can actually rewire those circuits in your brain that convince you to skip workouts or slack off.



Aiming for the stars should always be your goal in mind. Know It’s easy to avoid doing things you’re not good at, face the fact that you may have to work at something for a while before it becomes perfect. Instead of avoiding them altogether, find a way to progress into doing them, overtime you will get stronger, better, faster and more confident. Striving for progress is essentially the only way to reach perfection.

Our coaches

  • Angelique van Vliet

    Angelique van Vliet

    • 3 jarig Personal Trainer opleiding MGE
    • Outdoor instructeur
    • 2 jarig HBO Voedingsdeskundige afgestudeerd
    • Voedingsdeskundige advanced en Kidsfit 
    • Sportpsychologie
    • Lifestyle Coaching
    • Mental Vitaal Coach
    • Gespecialiseerd jeugd Trainer op fysiek en mentaal vlak
    • Kettlebelmaster
    • T.O.P. trainer A,B,C
    • Mylogenics practoniser
    • Personal Hormone Profiling practoniser
    • Sportvast Coach en TOP sportvast therapeut. 
    • Orthomolucair gewichtsdeskundige
    • Crossfit instructeur level 1
    • HBO Wim Hof Methode Practoniser (the iceman)(2016 afgerond)
    • HBO Integrale Personal Trainer Opleiding, op basis van DNA precies kunnen vertellen welke voeding,sport,supplementen etc bij u past en elke missing link ontdekken en aanpakken, samen met de Wim Hof Methode is dit een van de beste lichamelijke APK check en reset. Life changing.
    • Exercitium by Radmilo Soda: Een Personal coaching/training opleiding die nog meer verdiept in de leeftijd-cyclussen van de mens en de daarbij horende factoren. Fit is niet alleen sporten, fit zijn is balans in het leven zowel werk als privé

    Korte motivatie

    Ik ben begonnen als aerobicsinstructrice. Ik werk sinds 2005 als Freelance Personal Trainer en crossfit coach, ontwikkeld tot lifestyle Coach

    Ik ben gespecialiseerd in Personal Coaching met: Obese kinderen, volwassenen met overgewicht (sport in combinatie met de juiste voedingsadvies), mensen met beperkte bewegingsvrijheid en specifieke training voor sportatleten. Mijn passie ligt echter wel om mensen te trainen die de volle 100% inzet tonen en de volledige committent hebben met de afspraken die ze met mij maken. Mijn ervaring is ook dat deze mensen ook voor 100% hun doelen behalen. Mijn kennis en kunde is een heel mooi hulpmiddel voor mijn cliënten, maar het is uiteindelijk aan hen om er serieus mee aan de slag te gaan. Ik zorg ervoor dat de weg naar jouw doel een mooie journey wordt, zodat wanneer je je doel hebt bereikt, je zonder mij met je nieuwe levensstijl, je HAPPY, STRONG and HEALTY 


    Op dit moment een zeer active Crossfitter op wedstrijdniveau in binnen en buitenland. Zeeduikjes maken liefst in de winter. Buiten wandelen in de bossen, duinen en op het strand met mijn grote liefde en mijn hond. Veel reizen en hier heel van leren om  nog meer respect en liefde voor de aarde te hebben.

    Met sportieve groeten

    Angelique van Vliet
    Lifestyle Coach
    Personal Wellness

  • Wouter


    Wouter de Rijk, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)

    I am a Crossfit, running and gymnastics coach at Sky. I have been practising Crossfit now for over six years of which I have been coaching the last three years. Over the course of these six years, I have continuously pursued different areas of Crossfit, such as conditioning, weightlifting, and powerlifting, everytime returning back again to the core of Crossfit with more knowledge and skill.
    Besides my part-time coaching job at Sky, I am doing a master’s degree in Political History. So in all honesty, I could say I am quite the book nerd, be it a fit one…

    See you at the box! And if you want to get me really excited for a workout, throw in some running and complex gymnastics movements, such as muscle ups 🙂

  • Kyra


  • Taidgh


    This is not about me, this is about you.

    This is about you wanting something and me teaching you how to get there.

    The goal can range from doing a single push up to losing X amount of weight or maybe even performing in your sport of choice. It doesn’t matter, what matters is commitment.

    The goal will determine our plan and together we’ll attack the goal as hard as we can. No gimmicks, no fad diets or anything of the sort. We will do whatever is appropriate to make you better and reach your goal.

    Motivation will get you started but seeing your efforts turn into results will keep you going.

    Intrigued? Give me a call or send me an email.

    Taidgh van der Kraan –
    Personal Trainer, Powerlifting Coach & Specialist in Human Movement.

  • Jair


  • Donovan


    If you have struggles, issues or other problems in life that give you a lack of self confidence ! I will be open about my story, how I coped with my problems and let me help you the cope with your problems through sport and good conservations because if you put your mind to something everything is possible !


    Donavan Hamen

  • Jason


  • Ayla


    I can help you achieve your goals, but my main focus is to make you feel awesome
    in your own skin.
    Changing your lifestyle not only helps you look and feel better, it also improves your focus, increases your energy and stimulates health and happiness.

    My fitness journey has helped me to overcome a back injury and to feel confident and strong again. It has been my inspiration and motivation to help others achieve the same.

    I am specialized in building muscle & strength, boxing and functional (HIIT) training. I implement these in my sessions to support your personal goals. If you want to work towards a happier and healthier lifestyle and have fun on the way, feel free to contact me for a complimentary session (this includes body measurement, workout and intake).


  • Teo


    Sports has been a major guide throughout my life which is how I progressively became a coach. I’ve been helping people get fitter, healthier and happier for some time now. As I continue to pursue my vocation as a trainer, I will help you get to where you want to be.

    The SKY team welcomes you to start or continue your journey to a fitter and happier life.

    BPJEPS AF HM (French university trainers degree) & CrossFit Level 1

  • Rick


    My name is Rick and I teach Functional Bodybuilding at Sky Health the Box. I first set foot in the gym in early 2018, but it wasn’t until I joined the Sky community that my passion for sports and exercise went into overdrive. Consequently, I quit my 9 to 5 in order to pursue a career in the health and fitness industries.

    As it stands, I find myself smack-dab in the middle of obtaining my EREPS level 4 certification from Milo Education and Performance. Simultaneously studying and coaching puts me in the luxury position of testing and implementing newly-acquired knowledge into practice.

    Functional Bodybuilding are Powerlifting are the building blocks of my own exercise regimen, but I concede that there’s more to exercising than just building muscle and becoming stronger. It is, in fact, the mental aspects to strength training that turn it into a beautiful and fulfilling activity (for me). The feeling of achievement, building character, mental wellbeing and a sense of community are some of the mental aspects to strength training I seek to promote in my classes.

    So, are you ready to tap into a happier and healthier version of you? Come and join me for the Functional Bodybuilding classes at the Box, and l’ll show you what it’s all about ??.

    tel.: +31640911371
    Photo credit: @nmarcusse

  • Joanna


    Hey! My name is Johanna, but you can call me Jo.

    From a young age I have been passionate about sport. Being part of the National Fencing Team, I represented Germany in European and World Championships.

    For a short time I took my shot at boxing but finally found my true self in CrossFit and got my CFL-1. With coaching I am aiming to share my enthusiasm with you, so don’t mind me being all happy and excited.

    On that note, also be prepared for an hour of “bad jokes” (I cannot help it, it’s my German humor).

  • Ahmad


    I started fitness 10 years ago, just to lose weight and get fit myself. I ended up falling in love with CrossFit and decided to start coaching. I’m passionate about getting people out of their comfort zone to help prove to themselves what their bodies are capable of, after sitting behind a computer all day. I love powerlifting the most, but will never say no to a nice, challenging cardio workout!
    I have level 1&2 in CrossFit with two years and a half of experience.

  • Jemal


    My name is Jemal and I am specialised in (kick)boxing training for beginners to competative training for over 20 years.

    I am here to give you a kick start, to help you gain confidence and to motivate you to achieve your goals. This to get you out of your comfort zone, to have fun in working out and to get the best self esteem.

    I am a DBF certified Boxing trainer/coach.

  • Fantine


    The common denominator in my sessions is, creating space in the body and mind for inner strength and flexibility to emerge authentically.

    The way we do that together is by connecting conscious breathing to movement, becoming more self aware to develop skills. Building a level of technique, coordination and stamina to complement all other activities we engage in.

    The Power Yoga, Pilates and core training sessions are all about silencing the noise to free the body from pain, become effortless and access authentic power.

    I’m originally from Brazil, my journey in sports started as a track and field athlete. I was specialized in long jump, became a recordist in Chile where I lived for 6 years training for the 1996 Atlanta.

    A series of injuries led me to navigate deeper through the personal development world I’ve been engaged with since 1994 through the College of Philosophy and Spiritual Psychology in Santa Monica, California.

    In the end of my running career I turned to performing arts, became a lifeguard trainer, flying trapezist, circus arts trainer and skydiver.

    I’ve spent some time in India learning more about balance and slowing down following a series of trainings, involving Yoga, breathing, meditation and music.

    I share the teachings and my art in Universities, transformational leadership journeys in companies, yoga centers and awesome places like Sky Health the Box!

    See you in the mat.

  • Alonso


  • Fatima Maria

    Fatima Maria